Pregnancy scanning
Pregnancy scanning enables dry ewes to be sold or remated, minimises feed costs and improves lambing percentages.
GENSTOCK utilises a standing cradle for ease of through-put.
Up to 4000 ewes can be scanned in a day for single pregnancy diagnosis.
Up to 4000 ewes can be scanned in a day for multiple pregnancy diagnosis.
A drafting module is attached to the cradle, enabling the operator to separate the ewes as they are scanned thus negating any redrafting.
The system utilises real-time ultrasonic scanning, allowing visualisation of the foetus and precise accuracy.
Genstock also offers foetal aging
Caracase scanning
In an endeavor to offer a total breeding service to the sheep industry, GENSTOCK has added eye Muscle and back fat scanning to its list of services.
Due to the demand from both the Prime Lamb and Merino industries, as both move towards a higher awareness of carcase attributes in their quest for improved returns from the sheep carcase.
Scanning animals for eye muscle area enables this heritable trait to be measured and animals ranked accordingly.